Hungry People Unite


Monday, January 11, 2010

Things I Have and Things to add to My Kitchens' Arsenal

Aside from the cooking set that is Wolfgang Puck, first and foremost and a must for every occasion is Spice. My cupboards are nearly overrun with it. Mostly for convenience, I collect my spices from the ever popular local Wal*Mart. Every year at tax time we renew the Sam's Club account, and those things that come in bulk packaging, if space allows, normally will wind up on the shuttle home. I've noticed though, through years of searching, they don't carry everything. Thanks to the Internet and the way I "Hang Ten" around it's ripples, I've stumbled across many intriguing sites, like for example, from where I will soon be purchasing 5lbs. of Annatto seed, for recipes that will then be posted. If you're new to my world or you've been following my exploits, then you know I've got plans to build my own competition smoker. See post and prepare to follow: "Taking and Tweakin an Idea" Right now my outside kitchen consist of two grills, both of which are soon to be another mans treasure, if you know what I mean, I'm positive someone could use them, I've outgrown both, and no longer have any use of them(save all request 'til March), my oven is broken, has been for 4 years, so my meats are grilled. Landlord won't fix it, don't seem to care, so in order to cook for the family, I sometimes don't care to not pay the rent, in order to purchase the fuel I need to get them fed. Okay, so back to the original thought of this post, the spices that normally frequent my kitchen's cuisines are as follows: Garlic Powder, Minced Garlic, Garlic Spreads, Garlic heads, onion powder, oregano, parsley, dark and light brown sugars, red pepper flakes, chili powder, paprika, salt, pepper, tumeric, alspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, curry powder, gound ginger, crystalized ginger, ginger root, mustard powder, mustard seed, cherry gelatin, ground marjoram, ground thyme, rosemary, Rubbed dalmation sage, orange peel, basil, fennel, ittailin seasoning, cumin, corriander, poppy seed, dill weed, mint, crushed mint, smokey mesquite & southwest chipotle, both for when time is of the essence and I cannot make my own.
Okay, now we all know that by itself, spice is going nowhere. You  need heat in order for those spices oils to burst into those wonderful aromas and taste that create those fond food memories. That's why along with my Wolfgang Puck ensamble I mentioned earlier, I also own His rice cooker, a Toastmaster meat slicer, a hand me down, White WestingHouse, breadmaker that is definately cause for an upgrade. Other mentionables we have already in our kitchen are a 22qt. GE Roaster, a once impressive set of Miracle Blade Cutlery, a recent upgrade from a too often used EuroPro 4 liter deep fryer, to a now our fried foods taste great again, Oster professional style 4 liter fryer. Due to my aspirations to build mt tax time meal this year for my wife, I've got plans to purchase a Tandoor to make the Indian Dish Tandoori Chicken and or lamb. I'm also planning to add about 6 pieces of cast iron cookware, which will include a dutch oven, all of which I'm sure will  be a welcome addition.

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