Hungry People Unite


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

With Bananas already Pureed

Got some lettuce(Romain, worms eat just as Gourmet as I do... sans meat) goin' in, waiting in the refrigerator is some radishes, and other various items. And plus, I have some coffee grounds and egg shells(again).

But first, I'm gonna try something(wrote this, now back to work)... UPDATE: what had happened was, I went diggin' for some worms(a lot), along with some castings, and placed them in a bowl. Then, I made a nice sized well on the opposite side to the last feeding, and instead of just dumping the meal in, I spread it evenly over the not so perfectly flat surface, and placed the bowl load back into the bin. I did this, in all honesty to get worms feeding from the top and the bottom, meeting in the middle, and, come next feed, I may have to refurbish my first bin. This shit(no pun intended), is multiplying at an alarming rate, quicker than I could have imagined, it's all good though, I may have to outsource to my father in law, if he'll allow me the opportunity, to make a predetermined set of sales via his website, unless, I can hold off until the Change I spoke of in my last post, happens, and I get sales set up here. We'll see as time goes by... BBS.

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