Hungry People Unite


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Added Growth to the Gardens Bed

Got home this moring after my double shift, and went to check the bed because of the heavy downpour that ran through the city. Standing on the back porch, I noticed what I thought was a color change of just a few leaves, from green to a very vibrant yellow. Of course I thought that was strange, so I moved in closer for a better view, and to my delightful surprise, I noticed what others have for the past few years been calling a delicacy, and so been wanting to try, and now soon, I shall have my fill of Squash Blossoms.

Something else that got my attention, two bees hovering around the inside of one of the flowers, moving the pollen, a vital part of that growing process, and one I plan to incorporate more fully into this diabolicle plan of mine, as I am soon to purchase a few bamboo beehives I ran across a little over a year ago, to be able to produce my own honey.
Salivating over the possibilities, I can't wait for this to come to fruition.

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