Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Inside Beef Tinga
As smoky-spicy chipotle and fresh chorizo stand out as the Bite!! of this fall apart braised beef dish. You as the chef will surely win over with this sure-bet crowd pleasing tongue-tingling, melt in your mouth flavored stew that can be used in various recipes, such as cradled inside soft/hard shell tacos, served over biscuits/toast, or stuffed inside empanadas or enchiladas.
Sorry, I'm a couple days late on gettin the recipe to you. I should present it to you later tonight as the first recipe on the page I spoke of a few months back. I may have leaked the title already, but if not, tonight look for PIZZAZED PERFORMANCE!
My cousin told me after recent negative events in my life that I will find a way. I just have to regain and keep my focus on the task at hand(I'll update this story as it develops), for now possibly, @DaGrillWitDatFya may be hanging up the tools. I really hope something happens soon.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I Don't know How I'm Going to Approach This Platform Anymore
After yesterdays events I just don't know what's going to happen. As for now my hopes of bringing you any flavorful creations seems but just an afterthought. I'm really thinking of writing a page inside dagrill entitled "The Demise of a Man". Financially, I just don't see how to get any of this accomplished.
This story runs deeper than one could imagine. Right now, sitting here thinkin' about it really ails me tryna even imagine the words I'm thinking being written out. The memories in my head, it's hard to fathom how someone who felt all his life that somehow he was destined for greatness, only to fail at every corner(with the only two exceptions: friendships and graduating Basic Training and AIT), i.e.: I used write rhymes on the daily stayin on my hustle, but I failed to learn music so today I still struggle.
On an earlier thought, writing on what ails me... I'm ending the post with this. First, I'm happy in my situation, I do and always have worked, supporting the family that I do have in my wife and three kids, and unfortunately, lol, my motherinlaw. Second, for the rest of my family, to them, I am but a distant memory, but by no fault of my own. The last memory I have of the grandmother from the black side of my family, was a snowstorm in 1978. Oh, and after 18 yrs of a prison sentence I finally got to meet the man who fathered me, its now been some 13yrs. except for two brief moments, once visiting him at his home after by chance i'd found out we lived in the same city after the one I just moved from he had been banned from. And once at the stop light sitting side by side, he didn't see me, I didn't press the issue. A brother my mom put up for adoption when I was three, gone. The one some of you know I lost in a car wreck, with the last memory I have of him being of the paranormal, and I'm not writing of a ghostly figure. His face from the clouds looking down on me one night for like 8 min., while letting the family dog out to do her thing. I was just in from work, this was April 2005, almost 3 yrs. since Chris had passed, he had no EARTHLY IDEA, where I lived. Erybody else we were kept away from. Me finding out during my visit to help lay him to rest that my black family lived just around the block from my white grandmother whom I visited very often, him finding out merely just a few short months before he was gone, of which I had always had suspicions of and he knew how I felt, but we never had the the chance to discuss his side of it after he was aware it had always been true that he himself was bi-racial.
About 7 yrs ago the woman who gave me life, bought me Purpose Driven Life, in it it says something of the sort of Your specific reason for being here... something about my birth is foul, aside from my white grandmothers, yes the second is actually my great aunt, who adopted my birth giver from her sister, she is also from Harrodsburg, which is a Shaker community, didn't jive with me being born bi-racial.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Last Post has me Reflecting on Tonights Dinner.
I went to sleep last night with visions of how the soup I was already planning to make was going to turn out. Because of time constraints I run a later shift than most(I've often stated I am a night owl, Ill be up with the Taco Bell crouds... you know the drunkards lol, those are my peeps!!!!) Anyway sometimes my kids don't get to taste the full effect of what I am offering, meaning school night, almost bedtime, the basics to the meal were complete... a superb meal was provided, but I started the dish with time already working against me, so the dish which was succesful, and pleased my pallet, in my mind though, I failed to present the ingredients I had planned to use to push that flavor higher over the top. Where I was planning to go, I didn't get. But here Ill post to you what I was thinking, so that when you follow this journey you can try it and speak of your experiences.
By now you're probably wondering what soup could possibly stir ones desires. Well tonights feature dish is Chicken Noodle Soup. Mind you, that was supposed to be Chicken Noodle Soup w/ Chorizo and Mushrooms. Garnish if desired w/ Roasted Red Peppers, all which can be served over a risotto(without noodle). Plus this will be more of a thicker stew than what is a soup(artist prefernce), as the stock is boiled down to a nice liquid gravy. Just came downstairs to make the baby a bowl of cereal so here's a pic of what is tomorrows lunch at work durring my first shift. After a lil fluff work, I dug up a couple of pieces of chicken to showcase... it has been packaged for tomorrows lil trip to work and settled in the fridge for a few hours now. I'm still working on my color chart, I like my actuall shots.
2lbs. Chicken legs boiled along with 2tsp. of yellow mustard, S&P to taste, 3TBLS. of a spiced flavor enhancer, I succeeded with Webers Kick'N Chicken seasoning, 1 1/2 cups sliced carrots, 2 large celery sticks, and 1 medium red onion diced,about 30 minutes. Pull chicken from water,leaving water to boil. Allow chicken to cool to touch to pull meat from bone. Discard skin and bone and grissle. Add meat back to stock
(chorizo/mushroom mixture), which at this time I added a can of Rotels' diced tomatoes w/ diced green chilies and your choice of noodle(if not using risotto), add 2TBLS minced parsley, and boil to your desired consistency.
Aside from the skin and bone, the soup is never strained. You can add a lil butter at either stanza of the meal, which honestly, I forgot, and hadn't remembered til just now that I had planned it this way, and still amassed great flavor.
If I had had the sausage(chorizo), ready it would have been rolled into small meatballs using about 5 1/2oz. fried until almost done with the last few minutes sauteeing the mushrooms in the chorizo oils. Finely garnish with freshly roasted red peppers, and ladle over risotto(if not using noodle). Serve with crackers or corn chips.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Last Weeks All Star Recipe's Still Missing.
I just had my Norton updated, and couldn't log in via the laptop until that was done. Back up and running now I should have that recipe posted sometime early Wednesday morning.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
As you can see, I need a lil help.
Someone needs to yell me how to fix the color on my EVO Shift. The pics aren't doin' the aroma justice.
Starting prep on Beef Chuck Roast
Stripped down and lightly seasoned. Now back into the fridge for a few hours to impart some flavor.
If you noticed my post from earlier,
and are now at the brink of pulling your hair out in anticipation,the meal I have in mind for tonight is Beef Tinga. This will be the second meal I get to create in my newly acquired Cast Iron Dutch Oven from none other than Lodge. The 1st was a pot of what turned out to be an amazing bowl of beans. That night, I hadn't yet received the mobile platform I'm coming to you now from, so I couldn't bring you the pics I plan to bring you later tonight. I've struggled within myself on what was the first meal I was going to showcase my love of food with. Well that conflict is over, and the new page I wrote of a few post back,if all goes right, should be donned as well. Later, I will bring you a couple of pics of the beef being prepped.
Tonight I'm goin Mexican which usually means Taco Salad.
Off to Wal-Mart as I write this to acquire the select menu items.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Chef who Couldn't Taste
Grant Achatz, the superstar chef who couldn't taste - http://pulsene.ws/14mnY
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Chopped Update
I don't know who these four Super Contestants think they are lol, juss not who I expected. Really not impressed, I sure in the hell hope foodnetwork is about to step they game up.